Daily Archives for November 6, 2021

How To Make A Decent Website?

DARI MEJA PEGAWAI PELAJARAN DAERAH - Alicia Porter - November 6, 2021

From a functional perspective, the home page plays a key role in establishing the corporate image, whereas the framework page plays an important role in navigating the site. For example, website visitors can quickly understand the main content of the website columns, select their needs, and browse by entering the framework page, where the main content of the website columns can be introduced. In addition to being the main informational page for the website, the general page also serves as the final one. In the case of large websites, this structure is very important, while for small and medium-sized businesses, the site is small and there are not many pages. As for the pop-up page, it is best not to use it because it is not always necessary and sometimes replaces the ordinary page. If you would like to have more ideas, you could refer to website developer penang to get more inspiration. 

We often see beautifully printed catalogues or advertisements, and when you repeatedly see those beautifully printed products with catalogues or advertisements, I believe you will more or less form a good feeling about the products in question, and even if you will not buy them, you are bound to form a certain degree of identification with these products. In the case of crudely designed promotional items, you will certainly doubt the authenticity of their contents and thus question their products or services.

We know that website unity plays an important role in website marketing, and website structure is an important means of website style unity, including website layout, text layout, the position of decorative elements appearing, the unity of navigation, the position of pictures, etc. Browse to famous foreign e-commerce websites, you will find that the structure of these websites is surprisingly consistent, what is different is the colour or content, in the consistency of the structure. We want to emphasise the consistency of the iconic elements of the website, i.e. the name of the website or company, the website or corporate logo, the form and position of the navigation and auxiliary navigation, the company contact information, etc. This approach is a common structure adopted by websites at present, which reduces the workload of design and development on the one hand, and is more conducive to the maintenance and updating of the website in the future.

Navigation is an important part of a website, and an excellent corporate navigation will leave a lasting impression, for example by incorporating the logo into the navigation, or by designing the navigation into the entire site layout, to name but a few, and by putting some effort into the navigation, you will also create an excellent site.

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